Janamashtmi- a festival of love and bond of friendship was celebrated by Patel house under the able guidance of Principal Shallu Gupta. Speech was given in assembly by Patel house incharge, Ms Manju in which she made the students aware about importance of Janamashtmi.
Poetical recitation was done by Patel house students.
Students of preprimary Wing came dressed up in attires of Krishna and Radha.Students of 2nd classes gave dance performance on Krishna Leela songs.
Puja was performed by all staff members. Members of student council also brought LADDU GOPAL .Staff and students were offered Prasad as blessings of Lord Krishna.
School Chairman Sardar Ravinder Singh Dosanjh and Principal Shallu Gupta gave their best wishes to staff and students on Janamashtmi.